Purpose: 50% Social: 58% Financial: 28% Community: 45% Physical: 45%
QUALITY OF LIFE IN COSTA RICA: Panama, Costa Rica, and Denmark are the only countries in the world in which at least 40% of residents are thriving in three or more elements of well-being. Of these, Panama stands out, with 61% of residents thriving in three or more elements, while Costa Rica and Denmark are at 44% and 40%, respectively, compared with the global average of 17%. Employed Costa Ricans are significantly more likely to be thriving in purpose well-being than are residents who are not employed (54% vs. 44%, respectively). They are also more likely to be thriving in social (62% vs. 54%) and physical well-being (50% vs. 40%). Costa Ricans who are single, separated, divorced, or widowed are more likely to be thriving in financial well-being (33%) than those who are married or in a domestic partnership (24%). Those living in a city or suburb (33%) are also more likely than their rural counterparts (25%) to be thriving in financial well-being. In physical well-being, those younger than 45 (51%) are more likely to be thriving than those aged 45 and older (36%). Likewise, Costa Ricans who are single, separated, divorced, or widowed (51%) are more likely to be thriving than those who are married or in a domestic partnership (40%). Those who are employed (50%) are more likely to be thriving than those who are not employed (40%). (Source: Gallup-Healthways 2014 State of Global Wellbeing Report)