Training Seminars are usually booked as half or full day sessions. They are highly interactive and can be customized for your organization. There is a list of topics below for both managers AND employees. Fill out the form to the right to set up a call.
For Managers & Leaders:
- Learn the key differences between a disengaged and engaged workgroup
- Learn what the most engaged organizations do differently to get the most out of their teams
- Create a plan for increasing engagement and breathing life into your team
- Learn the fundamentals of being an effective manager
- What do your people truly need and want?
- Macro vs. Micro-management & How much should you be involved?
- Do you treat your employees like they are your partners or subordinates?
- What does wellbeing mean? How do you measure it?
- Why should you care about the wellbeing of your people? How do you show them you care?
- How do you improve the overall quality of life of your team/organization
- Learn how to integrate wellbeing into your culture vs. simply creating a program
- Learn how to design and set up your office space to maximize wellbeing and productivity
- Learn about the development programs and technology you should have in place in your organization
- Learn why maximizing strengths is more effective than fixing weaknesses
- Learn how to identify and acknowledge the strengths of your team or organization
- Understand the power of positive psychology in the workplace
- Who they are, what they want, and how to manage them
- Get inside the mind of a millennial and what makes them different
- Retaining millennials - How do you prevent them from “jumping ship”
- How do you get the most out of this generation? How do you prevent them from being distracted?
For Your Employees:
- Identify the key sources of stress?
- How do you focus on what’s important?
- Learn productivity “hacks”, how to leverage your brain, and stay focused
- What can you do that no one else can?
- How can you do more of this in life and at work?
- How leveraging strengths can take your performance at work to another level
- How to know what’s important and what isn’t in terms of genuinely improving your life
- Learn the research behind wellbeing and happiness
- Create a plan for living your best life
- How to communicate with your manager to get your needs met
- Creating partnership with your manager
- Being a great employee, and winning over your manager
- Setting the proper boundaries in life and work in order to maintain mental clarity
- Best practices for “handling it all”
- Making time for yourself, doing what you love, and keeping your job
- Learn the steps to identify your life’s purpose, or create a new context for your work that inspires you
- Learn how to craft your unique story and share it with the world
- Engage in intense self inquiry about who you are, and what you truly want in life
- Key tips and tricks for getting good sleep and maximizing your energy
- Learn how to incorporate movement into your life, not just exercise
- What should you eat and when in order to improve physical and mental fitness
Schedule a Call
Interested in speaking with Danielle about a training session for your organization? Fill out the form below.
- How to instill a sense of purpose in your organization
- What’s your leadership style? What are you truly committed to? What do people need from you? How do you be the kind of leader that people gravitate towards?
- Learn the specifics of integrity and why it’s a fundamental factor in conscious leadership