"Danielle has been a huge asset to me in my research on well-being. She has both the knowledge and the passion to be a true leader in this field." - Deepak Chopra
Danielle is a friend, strategic partner and advisor to Deepak Chopra. Together they collaborate and develop leadership training, focused on well-being, for influencers in the public and private sectors. They help leadership understand that a focus on well-being not only makes economic sense but it also makes life a whole lot more fun and meaningful.
Danielle met Deepak while working for Gallup as a management consultant and she was assigned as his liaison for Gallup's well-being research. During that time, Deepak introduced Danielle to several people in his network who shared her passion for well-being. After leaving Gallup, Danielle attended a small meeting, lead by Deepak, at the Chopra Center for Well-Being to discuss ways to bring well-being practices into organizations and corporate America. This catalyzed her desire to create her own company focused solely on leadership and well-being.
Danielle and Deepak currently present together on leadership and well-being specifically in Deepak's Soul of Leadership Executive MBA course at Kellogg University, as well as his Just Capital and Cause-Driven Marketing course at Columbia University.